Call assistant-an application of natural language based dialogue system using machine coaching and argumentation
Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Παπαδόπουλος, Ηρακλής
Εμφάνιση πλήρους εγγραφήςΕπιτομή
The last few decades, scientists have been trying to design and produce machines capable of thinking and acting like humans “embedded” them, in a way, with cognitive abilities and human intelligence. The construction of such machines applies the research that has been conducting by several cognitive psychologists who have tried to describe the way we comprehend the information and how our cognitive functions operate and interacting together. Also, other researchers had tried to examine how humans make inferences and how these inferences are produced under a certain contexts. The results of this research will be used for the construction of a system, the Call Assistant, capable of voice interactions using itself as a personal automation system, designed for managing the phone calls. The agent should be able to learn, and to be improved, from its past interaction(s) with the user, by offering personalized solutions. Constructing the Call Assistant, we will review the hypotheses that argumentation-in the form of rules- is one of the tools which it can establish a common “language” that machines and humans can utilize when interacting through machine coaching