Solar energy in industrial processes
Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Filippou, Anastasia
Εμφάνιση πλήρους εγγραφήςΕπιτομή
This dissertation is about solar systems used in industrial processes. In our case, the process that has been studied is the yogurt maturation. This industrial process requires temperatures at 45 οC. The purpose of the dissertation is to create a solar system that can cover the energy needs of the process.
First, it was necessary to evaluate what are the needs of the process under study. The needs have been evaluated using the temperatures that it requires, and the heating and cooling loads required for the building of the dairy industry.
There have been developed two models. One is developed in Revit which enable the evaluation of the heating and cooling analysis and the other one in T-Sol. The second model is the development of the solar system that can cover a high percentage of the energy needs of the procedure.
In this dissertation there is an analysis of how that models have been developed and at the Appendix there are the extracts of each software. Closing this Master thesis there is the efficiency of the developed system and its evaluation regarding its use. At Appendix B, there is a financial analysis of the solar system too.