Optimum number and type of radio propagation mechanisms in ray tracing techniques
Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Savva, Michael
Εμφάνιση πλήρους εγγραφήςΕπιτομή
The aim of this thesis is to study and find the optimum number and type of radio wave propagation mechanisms to be used in Ray Tracing techniques in an indoor environment.
The use of technical Ray Tracing to calculate the radio coverage in wireless networks is the most deterministic method for calculating the received power in a wireless network. Due to the computational power required in these techniques, it is recommended that the number and type of propagation mechanisms defined as parameters for calculating the received power does not exceed the required number. However, the required number usually depends on the type and size of the wireless network deployment scenario. The aim of the thesis is to study various scenarios and propose the optimal number and type of mechanisms that drive results in stable condition.
In this thesis, in order to achieve our goals we have used the simulator TruNet which was installed in virtual laboratories of the Open University of Cyprus.