Consumer behaviour regarding the clothing industry
Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Procopiou, Georgia
Εμφάνιση πλήρους εγγραφήςΕπιτομή
Background - This dissertation expects to contribute to consumer behavior in the clothing industry. Empirical results give sellers and buyers recommendations and help sellers better understand the consumer behavior and buyers to better understand themselves as a consumer and why he decides to proceed with the decision-making and purchase. The findings are compared with those of previous research. Finally, based on the research methodology, the data analysis, the results and the conclusions, this dissertation provides relevant and appropriate recommendations for further study.
Method - To analyze and understand the consumer behavior, their habits and preferences, the secondary research carried out through the literature review of books and journals as it was a useful method to be mentioned. The relevant literature review laid the foundations for the formulation and design of research and research questions. Subsequently, the type of research was finalized as to the exploratory research of consumer behavior of the specific respondents’ sample. The research questions were finalized. The target groups for the research were selected and the structured questionnaire was chosen as the research tool for conducting the research.
Findings - Finally it is mentioned that the most female participants agreed and strongly agreed with the statement that they usually shop when they feel sad/disappointed whereas most male participants disagreed and strongly disagreed with this statement, the most under-graduates and graduates participants disagreed and strongly disagreed with the statement that they usually buy clothes online whereas most post-graduates participants agreed and strongly agreed with this statement and most participants with monthly salary ≤850 € disagreed with the statement that the Pandemic affected their interest in purchasing clothes, most participants with monthly salary from 851 – 1200€ neither agreed nor disagreed whereas most participants with monthly salary from 1201 € and up, agreed and strongly agreed with this statement.
Discussion - According to what mentioned above, it should be said that as evidenced by the data presented in the literature review, the pandemic in general has a negative impact on retail due to two main factors: the recession caused by changing employment relationships and the reduced income of a large portion of consumers and the problems caused by protection and social distancing measures imposed that make it difficult for customers to be physically present in stores.