Risk profile of a secondary school unit
Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Noumertzi, Christina
Εμφάνιση πλήρους εγγραφήςΕπιτομή
The purpose of this thesis is to identify, analyze and assess the risk events taking place at a secondary school unit, aiming to create a thorough risk profile.
This research consists of two parts, a thorough literature review and a survey. At the first part is studied the structure of the Greek educational system, the school’s manager responsibilities, the applied school leadership styles, the association between school managing approach and school effectiveness and finally factors that complicate school crisis management. At the second part of this master thesis follows a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the collected data. At the survey participated school managers and educators of Greek secondary educational institutions. The purpose of this survey is to identify the risk factors as perceived from the participants and assess them in terms of likelihood to happen and potential impact. The assessment of the risk factors is achieved through risk matrices. Another objective of the survey is to define risk events as perceived from educators and school leaders. The analysis of the complicating factors of effective school crisis management constitutes an objective of the study. Finally, at the last chapter follows a comparison of the opinions of the participants regarding risk factors and features complicating effective school crisis management.
The results of this research show that school leaders and educators have an overall similar approach regarding risk events. School managers demonstrate higher sensitivity to certain risk factors (such as usage of prohibited substances and technology and educators non collaboration) compared to educators. Concerning risk perception are recorded common risk indictors. Statistically significant differences were found with regards to attraction of Medias’ attention and events that exceed school managers’ capabilities and skills. Comparing the perception of risk management complicating factors, convergence of views is recorder, regarding the role of lack of knowledge and management skills, the insufficient organization and the absence of a predesigned plan and guidance.