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dc.contributor.advisorΝεγκάκης, Χρήστος
dc.contributor.authorΝικολάου, Αφροδίτη
dc.contributor.otherNicolaou, Afroditi
dc.descriptionΠεριέχει βιβλιογραφικές παραπομπές.el_GR
dc.format.extent86 σ. 30 εκ.el_GR
dc.subjectΔιοίκηση Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικούel_GR
dc.subjectHuman Resource Managementel_GR
dc.titleΗ σημασία του ανθρώπινου δυναμικού και της διοίκησης ανθρωπίνων πόρων στη δημιουργία ανταγωνιστικού πλεονεκτήματοςel_GR
dc.typeΜεταπτυχιακή Διατριβήel_GR
dc.description.translatedabstractIn the past years, human factor has become one of the most significant elements in the world of business organizations. The globalization, the demographic changes, the economical instability and the intense competition, create problems and uncertainty to the organizations which make efforts to become more and more flexible so as to conform to the constantly changing conditions. Therefore, the organizations are trying to achieve improvement, renewal and change so as to get competitive advantage. The competitive advantage can be achieved only by the businesses which have the ability to combine their productive factors in such way that cannot be patterned by their competitors. The skills of the human resources are the basic prerequisite for the creation of the competitive advantage. In order to achieve such target, the organization has to ensure the dedication of the staff. Human Resources Management of the business plays significant role in the effort of cultivating the culture of innovation and flexibility. Other goals of Human Resources Management are: to staff the company, help the communication, cultivate the teamwork and reinforce the dedication to the goals of the organization. Finally, the use of Management Information Systems can help Human Resources Management to save time, decrease the costs and increase the productivity. In the next chapters, we present an analysis of the role of both human resources and Human Resources Management. Apart from that, we depict the tools that a business needs in order to achieve its goals that have to do with the field of human resources. Subsequently, we display a research about the basic functions of Human Resources Management in the company O.SY. S.A.el_GR

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